
Effects of root morphology on stress distribution at the root apex
Koji Oyama, Mitsuru Motoyoshi, Masayuki Hirabayashi, Kohei Hosoi, and Noriyoshi Shimizu
The European Journal of Orthodontics Advance Access published on November 13, 2006 European Journal of Orthodontics, Volume 29, Number 2, 113-117, April 2007

Inclination of the occlusal plane is associated with the direction of the masticatory movement path
Motonori Sato, Mitsuru Motoyoshi, Masayuki Hirabayashi, Kouhei Hosoi, Narihiro Mitsui, and Noriyoshi Shimizu
The European Journal of Orthodontics Advance Access published on September 5, 2006
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Recommended placement torque when tightening an orthodontic mini-implant
Mitsuru Motoyoshi, Masayuki Hirabayashi, Miwa Uemura, Noriyoshi Shimizu
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An experimental study on mandibular expansion : increases in arch width and perimeter
Mitsuru Motoyoshi、Masayuki Hirabayashi、Takahisa Shimazaki、
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Stresses in mandibular cortical bone during mastication
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Masayuki Hirabayashi、Mitsuru Motoyoshi、Toko Ishimaru、Kazutaka Kasai、 Shinkichi Namura
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混合歯列期におけるcervical headgearと2×4メカニクスを併用した治療効果について
肥田真理、平林正幸、本吉 満、納村泰弘、石丸透子、納村晉吉

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村田正人、本吉 満、内田靖紀、平林正幸、納村晉吉


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